
What is an Inductor? Definition & Types

What is an inductor? Definition & Types

An inductor is a wire coil around a kind of core (kernel). The core can only be air or a magnet. When the energy only passes through an electrical current, they are capable of being held in the magnetic field and are created in a magnetic field around. The inductor creates a clockwise magnetic field, while the electricity is flown to the right to the right, by naming a coil. After the current inductor has passed through the inductor, the magnetic field creates the electromotor force with the conductor and the polarity of the induced voltage is against the change in the current that forms it.

In the beginning, if the electrical inductor passes through the inductor, the magnetic field becomes a large resistance until it rises, and when the power flow stops the magnetic field, the magnetic field collapses to the inductor by force the electricity until completely collapsed. Most inductors have a magnetic core from a fence or iron in a coil. In this case, since the magnetic field increases, the inductance will also increase. The unit of measure for an inductor is HENRY and the symbol for inductance is “L.”

The difference between inductor and inductance

Inductance is the property of resistance to the change in the current flow of the electrical current. The EMF is only a change in the current as a change in the current. Inductors are passive devices with two terminates with inductance.

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Characteristics of an inductor

– When you connect to a DC voltage or current source, they move in a stable state in a stable state.
– This process is called inductance because they are stored energy in the form of magnetic fields.
– The current passing through an inductor will continuously, there will be no change in the current, but changes in the voltage on the output will occur.
-Ducture reacts to changes in the current by polarizing the voltage to oppose change.
– The loader assumes the load task when increasing current, reduces the voltage when absorbing the energy.
– When there is a current, it releases the voltage stored and creates the voltage.

How does an inductor work?

The induction process is defined by Faraday. His law specifies whether a conductor is moved in a magnetic field. The voltage occurs during the conductor to cut the magnetic flow of the lines. The flow line, the number of sits is high or the more powerful magnetic field intensity is highly induced voltage.

Types of Inductor

Core-based inductor: There are different types of inductors. They change depending on the types of materials.

2-) Air core inductor: Ceramic core inductors are called “air-core inductors”. Ceramic is the most commonly used material for inductor belly. The ceramic has very low thermal expansion efficiency. Therefore, the stability of the inducer’s inductance is high for various operating temperatures. Because ceramic has no magnetic properties, there is no increase in permeability due to the core material. The main purpose is to give a form for the coil. In some cases, the structure must be provided to keep the terminals in place. These inductors, basic advantage are very low core losses, high-quality factor. These are generally used in high-frequency applications where low inductance values are required.

3-) Iron Steel Inductor: In areas where low-space inductors needed, these iron-core inductors are the best option. These inductors have high power and high inductance value but are limited in high-frequency capacity. These are applied in audio equipment. These are very limited applications when other core indicators are encountered.

3-) Ferrite core inductor: Such inductors are named as ferromagnetic material. They carry the magnetic property of mixed metal iron elements and other crystalline building elements. It has non-conductive ceramic material for higher frequency applications. They are also used with low frequencies.

4-) Multi-layer ceramic inductors: This inductor type consists of many layers by adding an additional spiral string wrapped around the center nuclei of the inductor. The goal is to give a multi-layer inductor.

5-) Toroid type inductors: small size and very slight inductor variety. It is a ring-formed ferrite core type that reduces the spreading electromagnetic interference.

6-) Molded inductors: Inductors placed in a plastic or ceramic core are referred to as molded inductors.

7-) Laminated core inductors: Low-frequency inductors are made with a laminated belly to prevent swirl currents. Thanks to an insulating coating on the core surface, it consists of thin steel plate or laminating stacks parallel to the field.

😎 Paired inductors: such inductors affect each other by sharing a magnetic path. Such inductors are used as transformers to lower the voltage or reduce the voltage. They are also used to provide isolated feedback.

9-) Power inductors: There is a wide range of power levels from inductors that can operate between several amps and face amps.

10-) RF inductor: Radioplacing inductors are designed to work on high frequency as high-frequency inducer species.

11-) Drowning: The stifling, while allowing the low-frequency pulse to pass, also prevents the high-frequency impact at the same time. It has taken the drowning name because it has high-frequency signal cutting and blocking.

What applications are inductors used in?

Inductors are primarily used for electrical power and electronic devices for these main purposes:

  • Drowning, blocking, attenuating, or filtering / smoothing high-frequency noise in electrical circuits
  • Storing and transferring energy (dc-dc or ac-dc) in power converters
  • Creating tuned oscillators or LC (inductor/capacitor) “tank” circuits
  • Impedance matching


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inductor
  2. https://www.coilcraft.com/en-us/edu/series/what-is-an-inductor/

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