
What is Artificial Heart? How Artificial Heart Works?

What is Artificial Heart?

The heart, which forms the motor mechanism of the human body, performs the task of pumping blood as the most important organ and ensuring its circulation in the body. The main task of the heart is to act as a pump to regulate the oxygen level in the blood and circulate the blood along with the lung. For this reason, the heart must work healthy in every human body. There is also a new health technology like an artificial heart in case people encounter heart problems and needs such as heart transplantation.

Every day, the human heart performs the task of pumping 7500 liters of blood. For this reason, according to the rhythm of work, the heart must be protected inside the body, that is, a healthy living condition must be maintained. Otherwise, heart failure may be encountered. In recent years, the problem of heart failure has been provided with a heart transplant. However, since it is very difficult to find a compatible organ for a heart transplant, a method such as an artificial heart has been started to be used for transplantation.

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In many countries of the world, thousands of people are waiting in line for a transplant every year, and many people die in the absence of a suitable heart. There are artificial tissue applications developed since 2001 to reduce the transfer waiting time and to obtain an easier solution.

This heart, which is produced as an artificial tissue, has been named AbioCor Implantable Replacement Heart, and it has provided great worldwide hope since it emerged in 2001. It has been an important development for people who are waiting for a heart transplant for long periods.

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How Artificial Heart Works?

Under normal conditions, a human heart performs between 60 and 100 heartbeats per minute on average. In the first stage of this heartbeat, the right and left atria shrink together and the blood is pumped onto both the right and left ventricles. At the other stage, the right and left ventricles contract simultaneously and the blood is pumped out of the heart. Then, while the heart muscles are released until the next shot, the muscles are filled back into the heart as soon as they are released.

Although this is the system of the work of a true heart, AbioCor has simultaneously beating atria within the artificial heart. In other words, blood pumping cannot be performed simultaneously over the left and right ventricles. Therefore, in artificial heart systems, a transformation occurs in the blood pumping process that the heart can send to the lung and body at the same time.

In this system, blood pumping is provided to the lung during the first shot and to the rest of the body in the next shot. Since the artificial heart provides the opportunity to pump more than 10 liters of blood every minute, it creates sufficient work in terms of daily activities.

How is Artificial Heart Produced?

The artificial heart produced by AbioCor has a sophisticated working system. The core of the system includes parts such as hydraulic pump, hydraulic fluid, gate valve, wireless energy transfer system, internal battery, external battery, controller.

During the production of AbioCor artificial heart, a mixture of Titanium and plastic is used. The system obtained in this context can be used as a connection on the right atrium, left atrium, aortic pulmonary or artery. While the system generates approximately 0.9 kg of weight, artificial heart transplantation can be performed inside the body thanks to a long and difficult surgery.

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