
Four Facts About The Human Brain You Haven’t Heard Before!

Four Facts About The Human Brain You Haven’t Heard Before!

In many cases we find ourselves convinced that there is a certain way of doing things, and this is soon proven wrong. For example; You might think you’re pretty good at multitasking, only to find that it’s impossible to do two tasks at the same time.

Here are four facts about your brain that you probably didn’t know before.

1. Your Brain Is More Creative When You’re Tired

If you’re a morning person, you want to do what you need to do early in the day when you’re fit and ready to focus. It’s best to use your brain when you’re at your peak to solve problems, answer questions, and make decisions. And of course, late in the day is better for night owls.

If you are trying to do something creative, whether you are a day person or a night person, you will have more chances to do it when you are tired and your brain is dull. It seems counterintuitive at first glance, but it makes sense when you look at the logic behind it.

Your brain isn’t all that good at blocking out distractions, especially if you’re tired. It also has little effect on remembering the connections between ideas and concepts. These two are actually good things when it comes to making something creative.

Because it requires connecting two situations, being open to new ideas and thinking about new ways. So a tired and dull brain is much more useful when working on creative projects.

Facts About Brain

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2. Your Brain Size Changes When You’re Under Stress for a Long Time

In one study, half of the baby monkeys were taken from their mothers for 6 months and cared for by other monkey friends, while the other half stayed with their mothers.

Although the pups separated from their mothers were placed under relatively normal conditions, even after a few moments, the stress area in their brains expanded.

Another study found that the hippocampus in the brains of mice exposed to chronic stress shrank. The hippocampus is the most important part of memory formation.

It has been questioned for some time whether the hippocampus is also contracted in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or whether people with a naturally lower hippocampus area are more likely to experience post-traumatic stress disorder.

3. Napping Can Boost Our Brain’s Performance During The Day!

Napping improves memory. In one study, participants memorized picture cards to test their memory. After memorizing the cards, one group took a 40-minute nap and the others stayed awake.

After this short break, how well they remember the cards was tested in both groups. The group that took the nap remembered 85% of the cards, while the group that did not remember 60% of the cards.

Sleeping moves our memory from short-term to long-term memory, but if you keep learning, old information in your short-term memory will be easily forgotten.

Another interesting fact about sleep is that the right side of our brain is much more active than the left side during sleep.
95% of the world’s population is right-handed and although the left side of their brain is the most dominant, the right side is the most dominant hemisphere during sleep.

This is because the less dominant side of the brain is responsible for preparatory activities such as transferring information to long-term memory and consolidating memories of the day during sleep.

4. We Tend To Love People Who Make Mistakes More!

According to the Pratfall effect, making mistakes makes us more sympathetic. While screwing things up brings people closer to others and makes them more people, perfection drives people apart and creates a repulsive air of invincibility.

This theory was tested by Psychologist Elliot Aranson. Participants in the test were asked to listen to the voices of people answering a number of questions. Some recordings featured the sounds of people hitting coffee mugs.

When the participants were asked which ones they liked the most, those who hit the trophy the most got their answer. Occasional mistakes are not only acceptable, they can be useful.
As a result, there is much we can do to optimize how they work as opposed to what we think about the human brain. By adapting these 4 items to yourself, you can discover new things about how your brain works.


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